KateNation is working with TerpSys to develop a disaster resource application. The one of a kind application will allow users to quickly and easily find disaster services based on their geographical location. By simply entering a zip code, an individual’s location will be cross-referenced with a database of disaster service providers. From food to shelter, debris removal to legal advice, the KateNation Disaster Resource Application will link users to available resources.
This exciting new application will also allow retailers and individuals who are donating goods or services to upload their donation items in real time. This interactive function will help KateNation to quickly map available recovery assistance and resources following a disaster. The KateNation Disaster Resource Application will help to expedite the recovery process by connecting individuals and communities to resources and donors following a disaster of any size.
KateNation is currently working to launch the new Disaster Resource Application by the end of October. At KateNation, we believe that this tool will help to transform the disaster recovery process. If you would to help us launch the application, KateNation is actively recruiting volunteers to assist with database population. If you prefer to make a financial contribution, KateNation is thankful for your support.