Saturday, December 3, 2011

Register Your Favorite Resources with KateNation

Do you have a favorite organization or resource you would like to include in the KateNation Disaster Resource Finder?  Help us help disaster survivors by adding your own resource!   The first step is to register as a KateNation Scout.  After registering as a Scout, all you have to do is click the “Add your own resource” link on the home page.  From there you will be asked to complete a simple registration form.   The final step is to hit submit. 
Before adding a resource, please be sure to have the following information:
1.       Resource Name
2.       Address
3.       Phone
4.       Web Address
5.       Description
If you are a first time user, you will need to register as a KateNation Scout.  Registering is easy;  just follow the simple steps below:
1.       Click “Add your own resource”
2.       Select “Create New Account”
3.       Enter a user name and an email address
4.       Check your email for a welcome message
5.       Follow the link in your email to create a password.  
Thank you for helping people affected by disasters in your hometown and throughout the Nation! 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The KateNation Disaster Resource Application

KateNation is working with TerpSys to develop a disaster resource application.  The one of a kind application will allow users to quickly and easily find disaster services based on their geographical location.  By simply entering a zip code, an individual’s location will be cross-referenced with a database of disaster service providers.  From food to shelter, debris removal to legal advice, the KateNation Disaster Resource Application will link users to available resources. 

This exciting new application will also allow retailers and individuals who are donating goods or services to upload their donation items in real time.  This interactive function will help KateNation to quickly map available recovery assistance and resources following a disaster.  The KateNation Disaster Resource Application will help to expedite the recovery process by connecting individuals and communities to resources and donors following a disaster of any size. 

KateNation is currently working to launch the new Disaster Resource Application by the end of October.  At KateNation, we believe that this tool will help to transform the disaster recovery process.  If you would to help us launch the application, KateNation is actively recruiting volunteers to assist with database population.  If you prefer to make a financial contribution, KateNation is thankful for your support.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The KateNation Disaster Supply Kit Building Contest

This September KateNation is celebrating the eighth annual National Preparedness Month by hosting a Disaster Supply Kit Building Contest!  At the end of the month, one randomly selected winner will receive a Kaito Voyager Solo KA650 Solar/Dynamo AM/FM//SW & NOAA Weather Emergency Radio with Alert & Cell Phone Charger.  This month you can join the preparedness campaign by focusing on home readiness and entering the KateNation contest.  To participate, simply follow the steps below:

Kaito Voyager Solo KA650

  1. Build or update your disaster supply kit. 
  2. Send a picture and a summary of your finished kit to

If you are building a disaster supply kit for the first time, check out this list of essential disaster supply kit items.  If you are working to update your disaster supply kit, please review this checklist.  Please note that all entries must be received by midnight on September 30, 2011.  One winner will be randomly selected and announced on the KateNation Blog on October 1, 2011.  For more information, see the official rules. 
Have fun and good luck!

Congratulations to our winner, David Riddy!  Thank you for updating your disaster supply kit and entering the KateNation contest. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Danger, Fallen Power Lines

This weekend Hurricane Irene took down power lines next to our house.  The power lines were live, wet, and dangerous.  To keep our neighborhood safe, Arlington Police blocked off the road with caution tape and a police vehicle until Dominion Power could make the repairs.  As there are millions of people without power in Virginia, the process took over five hours.  In total, Arlington Police made three shift changes before the lines were repaired.  Thankfully, all is well this morning.
Fallen Line Outside Our House
Down power lines are extraordinarily dangerous.  If you find one you should always assume they are live; direct contact with an active wire could severely injure or kill you.  To stay safe, I have listed important safety tips below.  For detailed information, please see the CDC’s flyer on electrical hazards.
  • Stay at least ten feet away from fallen power lines and NEVER touch the power line.
  • Immediately call the power company to report the incident.
  • Do not drive through water if there is a fallen power line in the water.
  • If a power line falls on your car and stalls the engine, do not turn off the engine or get out of your car.  Call 911 and the utility company to get help.  Warn people to not touch your car and wait for help to arrive. 
  • Do not remove tree limbs or other items that are touching or near a downed wire.  Electricity can travel through tree limbs making them unsafe to touch. 
Written By Kate Schweigart

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Family Disaster Plan and the Virginia Earthquake of 2011

I learned a thing or two about the importance of maintaining a family disaster plan during the “Great” Virginia Earthquake of 2011.  As I make my living in emergency planning, I like to think that I am prepared.  However, there is nothing like an actual event to test the validity of your plan.  

This is how the day unfolded; I was at work in Washington, DC on the tenth floor of a twelve story building when the earthquake started.  When I felt the first shake, I thought a crane struck my building - there is currently construction next door.  Then my tea spilled, the building started to sway, and I quickly realized that the shaking was not construction.  At that point, I made my way down the stairs and into a sea of people.  

As I walked to the office assembly area, I tried to call my husband, but the lines were congested.  I then tried to send him a text…no data.   It took me fifteen minutes to get a text message through.  He was safe, I was safe, but we had no way to contact our daughter’s daycare.  The lines were still overcrowded and at three, she does not know how to text. To make the situation a bit more interesting, we did not have access to our cars to pick her up.  Stranded in different cities, my husband and I had to wait for an all clear before we could retrieve our vehicles from underground parking garages.  

Thankfully, my husband’s building was soon temporarily reopened so that employees could get their personal items and vehicles.  When my building reopened, I made a landline phone call to our daycare and discovered that the kids were fine.  The teachers had been instructed to keep the children outside for the remainder of the day as they worked to assess the integrity of the building.  About 45 minutes later, my husband picked up our happy daughter who told him about the fun she had running outside without shoes!

Gratefully, at the end of the day, everyone was safe and I learned a lot.  Here are some of the lessons I walked away with:

  1. Prearranged Non-Family Daycare Pick-up:  In an emergency, if my husband and I are unavailable, I have made arrangements to have a local friend pick-up my daughter.  I have her name registered with the front office and I have signed paperwork that will allow her release. If my husband and I are stuck somewhere, we will at least have peace of mind knowing she is safe and in a comfortable home.
  2. Transportation Options Are Important: Driving home is not always an option.  I now know the combination of Metro and bus routes I would have to take home. The journey would be long but doable.  
  3. An Extra Pair of Shoes at the Office is Invaluable:  While Metro and bus are an important option, the reality is it might be faster to walk out of the District.  While I keep a disaster supply kit with an extra pair of shoes in my car, I now understand that my car may be off limits.  This week, I added a pair of shoes to my shelter-in-place kit at work (yes, the kit does include chocolate).
  4. Prearranged Family Agreements:  It took fifteen minutes for me to make contact with my husband.  That time span is relatively insignificant but it could have taken much longer. To simplify the on the spot decision making, we now have a default pick-up option for our daughter: if my husband is safe, he will always pick her up.  It makes sense for us as I work in the District and crossing the bridge could take hours. 
  5. Earthquake Safety:  Living in Arlington, earthquakes have not been on my radar.  I now know that in an earthquake you should take cover, hold on, and stay in your building until it stops shaking.  If you run outside, you have a greater chance of getting hit by falling debris.  When the building stops shaking, go outside.  Also, if you are outside when an earthquake starts, stay outside and move away from large structures.  

The Great Tea Spill

Written by Kate Schweigart

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mark the 9/11 Anniversary by Improving Your Emergency Preparedness

As we near the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, the media’s coverage of the event is beginning to intensify.  It’s hard not to relive the memories of that terrible day:  where we were…how we responded…who we contacted…and how we got ourselves and our families through the day.  

What is perhaps most resounding, and what I hope gets significant focus on this important anniversary, is the perseverance displayed by the American people in the face of such terrible tragedy.   Despite unspeakable loss, Americans found a way to get through: to take care of themselves and to provide support and emergency assistance to their fellow countrymen. 

My family and I are striving to focus on this aspect of the September 11th anniversary.   We’re honoring those who were lost by pledging to enhance our own family’s fundamentally American traits of self reliance and preparedness.  Here are just a few things you can do mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks and prepare yourself and your family:

·          Develop a Family Emergency Plan.   I’m a big fan of thinking “outside the box” with this particular recommendation.  Written plans are great…and there’s a wealth of resources available to assist you with pulling together a really comprehensive emergency plan for your family ( is one).  But once your basic emergency information is recorded, I don’t think there is any substitute for sitting down and talking through a game plan with your family.  Really try to discuss things like meeting places, emergency contacts, and responsibilities (i.e., who will pick up the kids, arrange for pets, etc.).  This type of dialogue reinforces the plan as a “living document,” not just a collection of important information that sits on a shelf.

·          Make Emergency Supply Kits.  There are plenty of guidance documents out there on the importance of creating and maintaining an emergency supply kits.  Your local emergency management agency can oftentimes provide detailed guidance on the types of supplies best suited for disaster preparedness in your area.  But here’s another concept to think about:  in addition to preparing your home/office/car, spend some time creating a simple “kit” for your person.   Think about compiling important contacts, information on medical conditions/needs, maps of meeting points on a small wallet card or in the notes portion of your smart phone.  If you can (i.e., tote a  large purse, like me) carry a mini flashlight, first aid kit, and any medications you regularly take.  Having key contacts and supplies at your finger tips dramatically increases your level of preparedness.

·          Invest in Training.  CPR/first-aid training is not just important for the first responder community:  everyone should have these basic life-saving skills.  Let’s face it, even in jurisdictions with incredibly fast first response times, in the first few minutes after an emergency, we have to rely on ourselves and/or bystanders to provide that critical urgent care.  Regularly attending community-sponsored CPR and first-aid training classes is one way to ensure we can provide the best and most immediate assistance. 

·          Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Muscle Memory.  Seriously.  Walk an evacuation route.   Take a moment to track down the closest Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) at your grocery/gym/office. Practice sheltering in place or using the contents of your emergency supply kit.  During an emergency event, that “muscle memory” gained through practice and repetitive action will help get you through the initial fog of activity.   Spending several moments working through emergency procedures will pay dividends during a real event. 

Written by Guest Blogger: Kate Summers

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Home Fire Drills, an Activity the Whole Family Can Love!

A workforce fire drill is a common practice but when was the last time you conducted a fire drill at home? Practicing evacuation routes with your family will help them react in an emergency. To prepare you should identify at least two ways out of every room. This might mean using a secondary route like a window or an escape ladder. The first time you pop off a screen or climb down the ladder should not be during an emergency.

At a minimum, families should conduct fire drills every six months. While the topic is serious, the process does not have to be scary. Make each fire drill part of a family activity. Start by bringing your family together in one room of your house. While you are all together, collectively discuss the possible escape routes from that room. Then add something to the scenario like smoke and ask your family how they would react. Finally, lead by example and crawl to the nearest door, making sure to check it for heat before you open it and exit.

At the end of each drill, ask your family to gather at the designated outdoor meeting area. From there you can continue your family activity by practicing the evacuation route to the nearest ice cream parlor. While there, your family can discuss the drill over a well deserved tasty treat.

For more information on how to plan escape routes, please print a copy of the National Fire Protection Association’s
Tip Sheet.

Written by Kate Schweigart

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Be a Cool Cat in the Dog Days of Summer

According to, yesterday’s temperature reached 97 but it felt like 103.   To me, it just felt hot.  My flowers are wilting, my grass stopped growing, and my garden needs to be watered nightly.  Over the years I have learned that the heat is just part of the joy of living in Arlington, but this week, I am not alone.  Much of the country is facing record temperatures and uncomfortable heat. 
As you brave the weather in the days ahead, please be sure to keep yourself safe.  Dehydration, heat stroke, and hyperthermia are very real threats.  One of the first steps to protection is to stay hydrated.  Carry a water bottle with you and sip on decaffeinated drinks throughout the day.   Drink more fluids even if you are not exercising; increasing your liquid intake will help you stay hydrated. 
If possible, spend time throughout the day in air conditioning.  If you do not have air conditioning try spending some time at an air conditioned public place like the mall or the library.  At home, you can also cool down by taking a tepid bath or shower.  For a quick, temporary fix, keep a spray bottle in the refrigerator and spray your wrists, face, and feet from time to time. 
When you must venture outside, dress for the weather.  The clothing you wear can impact your health and comfort.  The general hot weather dressing rule is to wear loose fitting clothing that is a light color.  Remember, dark colors absorb heat.  You should also keep your head cool by wearing a wide brimmed hat or carrying an umbrella.  Most importantly, do not forget the sunscreen.  You should wear at least an SPF 30 and use a generous amount of lotion.  Remember that each time you apply sunscreen you should use enough lotion to fill a shot glass!  For more information on how to apply sunscreen, visit the American Academy of Dermatology. 
If you have tasks to do outside, tackle them in the early morning or the evening hours when the temperature is cooler.  If your job requires that you work outside, this is the time of the year when it pays to take extra precaution.   When possible, work in the shade and take plenty of breaks throughout the day.  As mentioned above, drink lots of fluids, dress comfortably, and wear sunscreen.  If you start to feel dizzy or have cramps, stop what you are doing, take a break and let your coworkers know how you are feeling. 
When the temperatures are high, it is not only important to take care of yourself, spend a little time thinking about your pets too.  Like humans, animals can be affected by the heat.  Make sure your pets have a cool place to rest and plenty of fresh water.  When the temperature is high, never leave your pets (or CHILDREN) in an enclosed vehicle.
I hope these tips will help you to thrive in the days and the weeks ahead.   

Written by Kate Schweigart

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Stay Connected When the Power Goes Out

My 3-year-old daughter started to cry this weekend because she missed the sunshine.  My husband sat with her at the window and together they watched the dark clouds roll in and the lightening flash in the distance.    Minutes later, the skies opened and the rain soaked our neighborhood.  We were in the middle of another severe thunderstorm warning, it is the season.
Having lost our electricity twice this year, my husband and I have taken steps to ensure that we are prepared to handle a day without power in our hyperconnected house.  One of the most important steps we took was to invest in a corded phone.  Our simple $10 investment provides us with peace of mind knowing that we can reach the outside world in an emergency. 
A corded phone does not rely on household electricity to work and it will continue to operate if the power in your house goes out.  A cordless phone will not work because it uses household electricity to power its base station.  A cell phone will last until its battery is drained and then it will moonlight as an overpriced paperweight.  A corded landline phone is the most reliable source of communication during a long-term power outage.  I recommend having at least one in your home. 
The storm this weekend did not take our electricity.  Less than an hour after the storm clouds rolled in, the sun once again emerged.  My daughter danced through the kitchen as she celebrated its triumphant return.  Although the crisis was adverted, our corded phone stands ready for the next power outage. 

Written by Kate Schweigart

Friday, June 24, 2011

Texting, a Recommended Emergency Practice?

?4U – Do you know how to text?
For many, texting is now a standard form of communication.  People are texting while eating, texting on dates, and texting while driving.  The need to feel connected is addictive.  With Nielsen reporting that teenagers are texting more than a hundred messages a day, many parents are wondering if they should permanently block the service from their phones.  But, before you swear off texting, take a few minutes to consider the significant power of this communication tool during crisis situations.  
In an emergency, the volume of calls significantly increases and this creates network congestion.  When people need to reach out most, after surviving a disaster, their calls are often met with a busy signal.  After major catastrophes, like a hurricane or a tornado, the congestion can last for hours.  This problem can leave survivors in danger and family and friends left to worry about their loved one’s safety.
The congestion work around is a text message.  If you cannot place a call on your cell phone, try sending a text message.  The text message requires fewer network resources and it is likely to go through.  This solution has proven invaluable after multiple major disasters to include Katrina and 9/11.  Texting is so effective that the FCC actually lists it as a recommended practice on their “Tips for Communication in an Emergency” website.  
If you are a text messaging novice, I encourage you to learn how.  It is simple.  If you managed to find your way to this blog, you can surely send a text.  Ask a friend or a co-worker to show you how.  I am not advocating sending 3000 messages a month but I am suggesting that you take the time to understand the services on your phone.  The ability to text is an indispensable resource. 
While I hope all my readers never have to face a disaster, it is always best to prepare.  Learn how to text and stay connected when a disaster strikes. 

Written by Kate Schweigart

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Important Steps to Increase Safety During a Tornado

Here we are, just two months into the “tornado season” and the destruction has been profound.   From Wisconsin to North Carolina to Missouri to Alabama, the recent tornadoes have been ruthless and deadly.  This path of devastation has left many people wondering what they can do to stay safe.  Tornadoes are a difficult disaster to mitigate because they can happen quickly and without warning.

While it is true that we cannot control their velocity we can prepare for tornadoes by having and maintaining a plan.  At a very basic level, everyone should know how to seek shelter during a tornado.  The ultimate goal is to get as low as possible and in a safe and secure place during a tornado.  It is important to remember that where you go is dependent on the type of structure.

If you are in a structure that has a basement or storm cellar, this is where you should go.  If the structure does not have a basement, you should move to the lowest floor of the building to an interior room with no windows.  Interior room examples include closets, bathrooms, and hallways.  If possible get under something sturdy like a workbench or a table.  If you are taking shelter in an interior bedroom, cover your body with the mattress.  

Mobile homes are not structurally adequate to provide shelter from a tornado even if the home is anchored or tied down.  If you live in a community that has a designated tornado shelter, you should go there immediately.  If there is not a designated shelter, go to any nearby building.  If there is not a structure within walking distance and the tornado is not insight, flee in your car to the closest structure.  In the worst case scenario, if there is not time to flee, leave your mobile home and ride the storm out on low ground, in an open space away from any trees or mobile homes.  If you find yourself in this situation, protect yourself by laying flat and using your hands to cover your head.  Remember, it is safer to be outside then in your mobile home during a tornado.   

While knowing where to go during a tornado is invaluable knowledge, there are also things you can do prior to a tornado to enhance your overall safety.  Please see the safety tips below:

  • Tornado Drill:  Practice tornado drills at home with your family or roommates at least twice a year.  This will help to ensure that all members of your household will remember the shelter location during an emergency. 
  • Tree Maintenance:  Limit damage by removing dead or dying trees from your property.  Also look for damaged or diseased limbs and remove them as well. 
  • Secure Outdoor Items:  When there is a severe weather watch or a tornado watch, secure loose items outdoors.  For example, bring in your lawn furniture and take down hanging plants. 
  • Stay Informed:  Listen to local news stations or a NOAA Weather Radio during a tornado watch to stay informed of approaching storms.  Make sure that you have access to a battery powered radio in case approaching storms knock out the power. 
  • Disaster Supply Kit:  Build and maintain a Disaster Supply Kit.  Your kit should be stored in the area where you plan to take shelter.

If you would like more information about tornado safety, I recommend downloading and printing the American Red Cross Tornado Safety Checklist.  This one page guide provides an actionable checklist detailing things to do before, during, and after a tornado.

Written by Kate Schweigart

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Now That You Have a Disaster Supply Kit…Maintain!

Remember the mad rush for duct tape and plastic sheeting when the terror alert moved to orange in 2003?  At the time, the government kicked off its “Make a Kit, Have a Plan, Stay Informed” campaign.  Many Americans did indeed respond to the media blitz and built a disaster supply kit.  Now, eight years later, these fully stocked and well organized kits are sitting in basements and closets across America collecting dust.
Like testing your smoke alarms and your carbon monoxide detector, maintaining your disaster supply kit should be incorporated into your routine.  To ensure you are prepared, you should check your kit every six months.  If your kit is one of the many kits currently collecting dust, please pull it out, dust off the cobwebs, and walk through the check list below. 
  • Check your canned food for dents and corrosion, anything that looks suspicious should be thrown out. 
  • Check your boxed and packaged food to ensure that the product is still sealed.  Again, anything that looks suspicious should be thrown out or added to your compost.   
  • Check the expiration date on all your food, anything that is expired should be replaced. 
  • Keep your food in a tightly sealed metal or plastic container to keep it safe from animals and pests. 
  • I recommended trading out your food every six months.  That will help to ensure that you are not disgusted by the prospects of eating eight year old beans when and if you should use your kit!
  • Check the integrity of the package; throw out anything that is leaking or with a broken seal.
  • Check the expiration date on you water, anything that is expired should be tossed or used to water your garden. 
  • Like food, I recommend replacing your water every six months.
  • Test the device to ensure it is working. 
  • Ensure that you are not storing batteries in your electronic devices.  As with all electronic devices, if you are not planning to use if for more than 30 days, the batteries should be stored separately. 
  • Look at the expiration date of unopened batteries and exchange batteries that will expire in the next six months.
  • Test any open batteries in the devices to ensure they are working.
First Aid Kit
  • Review the contents of the First Aid Kit and replace any items that have expired.
After you have finished updating your kit, label the outside of the container with the date; this simple step will make it easy for you to remember when your kit needs updating again. 

Written by Kate Schweigart

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Government Uncertainty and Disaster Supply Kits

The national media has been dominated with news of a possible government shutdown.  Whichever end of the political spectrum you fall on, there's one thing everyone can agree on: many people now find themselves in an uncertain situation over which they have no control.  This feels kind of like a disaster, right? Although it is certainly not of the magnitude of an earthquake or a tsunami, the current uncertainty and lack of control can leave anyone feeling vulnerable.   A good way to combat these feelings is it to take your own steps towards personal preparedness. 
Essential functions are the lynch pin of every agency or business continuity plan.  There is a lot of talk right now, particularly here in the DC Metro area, about which Federal functions are essential.  One question we should all ask ourselves is "What items do I consider essential?"  One answer, no matter what the disaster, is a disaster supply kit.  Maintaining a disaster supply kit will help you to ensure that you have the resources you need to remain self-sufficient in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. 
The items I have listed below are essential to any disaster supply kit.  Ideally, you should have these items stored in easily accessible, portable containers so that you can easily load the kit into your vehicle in the event of a mandatory evacuation:

Water: One gallon per person, per day (recommend at least a 3 day supply)
Food:  Non­perishable, easy to prepare items (recommend at least a 3 day supply)
Can opener
Moist towelettes and hand sanitizer
Extra batteries
Battery­ powered or hand­crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
Multi­purpose tool to turn off utilities
First aid kit
Medications and pertinent medical information
Personal hygiene items
Cell phone with chargers and/or solar chargers
Extra cash
Family and emergency contact information
Emergency blanket
Rain Poncho and change of clothes
Local Map
Personal Security Alarm or Whistle to signal for help
Copies of personal documents (proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates).
Trash bags and ties

I hope that the government will not shutdown and all of the recent preparations will be chalked up to another expensive exercise in "what if?"  We can look at the uncertainty of the current situation and think about our own vulnerabilities and what we can do to prepare.  Outside of casting a ballot and contacting our Members of Congress, we cannot control the political environment.  However, there are aspects of our own environment that we can control to include increasing our level of personal preparedness by building a disaster supply kit.  Take control and build a disaster supply kit this weekend.

Written by Kate Schweigart

Monday, March 14, 2011

KateNation is Live

Last year, like many other people, I watched with horror as oil flooded into the Gulf of Mexico and I wondered how I could help.  While my background is in disaster relief, I could not throw on my old Red Cross jacket and head down to Louisiana; my three year old daughter would not allow it.  As the oil continued to leak, I came up with the idea of developing a website to serve as an information clearinghouse on the Gulf Oil Spill.  My goal was to provide a website where people could easily find how to get help or give help as the disaster continued. 
The website received a surprising number of hits and before long I had users in Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi.  I was also contacted by a reporter from the Times Picayune when she had stumbled across my website; she thought it was the most comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities she had seen.  For nearly an hour we talked about the communication gap between organizations that are recruiting assistance and those who want to help.   As I hung up the phone, I realized by making information easily assessable, I was on the right track.  The seeds of KateNation were planted. 
I have spent the last six months laying the framework for KateNation, an organization dedicated to connecting people to resources when disaster strikes.   Whether your goal is to get help or give help, KateNation is here to assist.  From drafting bylaws, to forming a board, to applying for 501c3 status (we are still awaiting final approval), there has been a lot of work behind the scenes.  Now, finally, the KateNation website is LIVE!  While there is still a lot a work to do, we are finally supporting our mission and working to connect people to the resources they need. 
As I was planning the Blog, I intended to launch with a week of preparedness with the focus on children and disasters.  But with all that is happening in Japan right now, my focus was changed.  So this first entry is simply an introduction and to let you know that KateNation is tracking the situation in Japan.  Please visit the Japan tab and learn what disaster relief organizations are on the ground and what services they are providing.  If you are interested in making a donation, you can read about how and where to make your donation count.  The page also includes information on resources for locating a missing person. 
Thank you for all of your support.  If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at or visit our Facebook page - to stay connected. 
Written by Kate Schweigart